February 2022
This month’s Sparks is all about internet safety! Safer Internet Day takes place today (the 8th of February) and aims to make the internet a safer place for millions of people around the world. Almost two years of repeated lockdowns have shone a spotlight on the importance of the internet and social media. Even more reason than before, to practice online safety to prevent and mitigate risks involved with using digital technologies, platforms, and services. To make the best use of social networking while avoiding the risks, we’re sharing our top tips for businesses on Safer Internet Day.

Don’t share personal details
There are many micro blogging websites encouraging people to share their ‘in the moment’ activities and what ‘they are up to now’. Anyone who shares information online often may find that they are revealing too much about their lives, which may result in making themselves the ideal victim for cyber-criminal activity. Basic personal information stored on your computer/mobile devices/flash drives could lead hackers to even more of your private company information. For example, posting where you work, live and your birthday can leave a trail that scammers can follow!

Username and Passwords
Employers should create individual user accounts for each employee. The passwords for these accounts should be changed frequently. Reminding employees to avoid using the same password on multiple devices/accounts. Within a business, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) on any company social media accounts will reduce security and fraud risks, while also building secure online relationships.

Privacy Settings
Privacy is so important when it comes to social networking as it keeps in check the type of data we share with people who are outside of our privacy settings. For any business, it is important that your clients know that you are doing all that you can to protect their information. Therefore, making sure your business has a policy that employees can refer to, that explain how you are keeping your client’s private information safe and secure, is incredibly important.

Control the Business’ Cyber access
All businesses should install a firewall to protect their internet connection and make sure their cloud-based systems are firewall protected too. Also, limiting employee access to only the data and information that’s necessary for them to do their job. Therefore, restricting admin rights to a selected number of staff can minimise your cyber security risk.

Steps for employers to keep their employees safe online
Most importantly employers must help to educate their employees on cyber security and the risks associated with being online. They can do this by providing employee training, which is an essential step in protecting your business’ private data, as well as making sure this data is encrypted. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to you and your business’ online security!
To learn more about online safety and to keep up to date with the latest social media changes keep an eye on our Sparks blog every month. Do you need help with your digital strategy or have a specific topic you want us to cover?
If there’s anything you want us to cover in our future Sparks Roundups, or if you need help planning and implementing your digital marketing campaigns, just pop an email, and we will be happy to get back to you.
For more on our digital offering, look at our Digital Marketing services or follow us wherever you get your social: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.