TEA Talks

Episode 1

To celebrate our 30 years in business, we are bringing you the latest top tips on all things marketing from Partner at Hopkins Communications, Judy Hopkins. Judy loves a good cuppa and a chat, so we thought a weekly ‘TEA Talk’ would be a great fit!

This week’s talk is all about how your PR team can work with your digital team when it comes to content marketing planning.

Cheers! Anyone got any biscuits?!

And seeing as you took the time to come to our website and watch our first episode, here’s some once-off exclusive additional tips for developing your PR campaigns not forgetting online content.

Public relations and the media industry go hand-in-hand, with any changes in the media landscape often determining how we work in PR. The increased emphasis on digital online content from traditional media outlets over the last 15 years has led to us shifting our own thoughts in terms of how we strategise and develop media campaigns for our clients and we want to share these little nuggets with you too!

Most leading media houses’ posts are determined on the basis of what they see (based on evidence from rigorous checking and analysis of their website traffic) is of interest to their online audience and their readers. In other words, cherry picking content that has been deemed the most optimal to maximise traffic returns back to their websites.

Some of their articles posted through social media might not always reflect what is making news headlines internationally – and this is where you will see print and online content differ dramatically as traditional media will always be, well, traditional!

TIP 1: It’s so important to be able to recognise that what traditionally works for print or broadcast, may not necessarily work for an online audience, and vice versa. What might be deemed ‘not newsworthy enough’ to receive coveted column inches or airplay, may still be deemed suitable for online coverage.

TIP 2: Do a quick scan through the URLs or articles posted on any leading media publication’s social media channels or website – then compare this to what appears in the print edition. This is a very informative exercise in terms of learning what works for both.

TIP 3: Having a rounded approach to media campaigns, paying special attention to potential online opportunities, researching various media outlets to understand their audience profiles and the type of content that they favour can help you to really step your game up in a constantly changing environment.

Want to know more?

Want to know more or need some help with your PR and digital campaigns – let us do it for you. Just pop an email!

Hope you enjoyed our TEA Talks – we’ll bring the biscuits next week!

#HC hun

